\[0, \,\ 1, \,\ 1, \,\ 2, \,\ 3, \,\ 5, \,\ 8, \,\ 13, \,\ 21, \,\ 34, \,\ 55, \,\ 89, \,\ \ldots,\]
will know that they have a way of cropping up in the most unlikely places. In today's posting we document another such instance.
They arise when we study the compositions of positive integers. I prefer to call them "ordered partitions" but "compositions" is the accepted term.
As you know, a partition of a positive integer $n$ is a way of writing $n$ as a sum of (an unspecified number of) positive integers, order not being regarded as important. Thus, there are $2$ partitions of $2$ (namely, $2$ and $1+1$); $3$ partitions of $3$:
\[3, \quad 2+1, \quad 1+1+1\]
and $5$ partitions of $4$:
\[4, \quad 3+1, \quad 2+2, \quad 2+1+1 \quad 1+1+1+1.\]
Note that we do not distinguish between $3+1$ and $1+3$; that is, the sums are unordered. The above lists show that the partition numbers of $2$, $3$, $4$ are $2$, $3$, $5$ respectively; we write $P(2) = 2$, $P(3) = 3$ , $P(4) = 5$, where $P$ denotes the partition function. The $P$-function grows at terrific speed; for example,
- $P(100) = 190,569,292$;
- $P(200) = 3,972,999,029,388$;
- $P(300) = 9,253,082,936,723,602$.
The partition function is the setting for many famous and beautiful (and almost unbelievable) results, proved by mathematicians like Ramanujan, Hardy, Littlewood and Rademacher. But we shall not dwell on these results in this post.
A variation - "ordered partitions"
Instead, we shall choose to regard order as important, in which case we get ordered partitions (or compositions, as noted above). Let $f(n)$ denote the number of ordered partitions of $n$. We get the following values of $f(n)$:
- $f(1) = 1$, as $1$ has just one ordered partition ($1$ itself);
- $f(2) = 2$, as $2$ has the following two ordered partitions: $2$ and $1+1$;
- $f(3) = 4$, as $4$ has the following four ordered partitions: $3$, $2+1$,$1+2$, $1+1+1$;
- $f(4) = 8$, as $4$ has the following eight ordered partitions: $4$, $3+1$, $1+3$, $2+2$, $2+1+1$, $1+2+1$, $1+1+2$, $1+1+1+1$.
It appears then that $f(n) = 2^{n-1}$ for all $n \ge 1$. But how may one prove this compact and elegant result? Try it out!
Another variation - we leave out the number 1
Now let us introduce a simple variation: in the partitions we shall not allow the number $1$; thus, all the summands must exceed $1$. In this case $5$ has only three such ordered partitions: $5$, $3+2$, $2+3$.
In general, let $g(n)$ denote the number of ordered partitions of $n$ in which every summand exceeds $1$. We get the following values of $g(n)$:
- $g(1) = 0$ (no partitions are possible if $1$ cannot be used);
- $g(2) = 1$ (there is just one such partition, $2$ itself);
- $g(3) = 1$ (there is just one such partition, $3$ itself);
- $g(4) = 2$ (the two partitions are $4$ and $2+2$);
- $g(5) = 3$ (obtained above);
- $g(6) = 5$ (the five partitions are $6$, $4+2$, $2+4$, $3+3$, $2+2+2$);
- $g(7) = 8$ (the eight partitions are $7$, $5+2$, $2+5$, $4+3$, $3+4$, $3+2+2$, $2+3+2$, $2+2+3$);
- $g(8) = 13$ (the thirteen partitions are $8$, $6+2$, $2+6$, $5+3$, $3+5$, $4+4$, $4+2+2$, $2+4+2$, $2+2+4$, $3+3+2$, $3+2+3$, $2+3+3$, $2+2+2+2$).
We get the following sequence of values of the $g$ function: $0$, $1$, $1$, $2$, $3$, $5$, $8$, $13$. Why, we seem to have obtained the Fibonacci sequence! Is this really so?
Let us verify whether $g(9) = 21$ (for the next Fibonacci number after $13$ is $21$); the ordered partitions of $9$ in which every summand exceeds $1$ are $9$, $7+2$, $2+7$, $6+3$, $3+6$, $5+4$, $4+5$, $5+2+2$, $2+5+2$, $2+2+5$, $4+3+2$, $4+2+3$, $3+4+2$, $3+2+4$, $2+3+4$, $2+4+3$, $3+3+3$, $3+2+2+2$, $2+3+2+2$, $2+2+3+2$, $2+2+2+3$. Indeed there are $21$ such partitions!
Is it not remarkable that the Fibonacci numbers have arisen in such a context? To check that we are not being fooled by "circumstantial evidence", we need to prove logically that $g(n)$ is a Fibonacci number; the proof cannot be numerical or circumstantial. This is not as difficult as may seem at first sight, and may be shown by proving that the $g$'s obey the basic recursive law governing the Fibonacci numbers, namely:
\[g(n) = g(n-1) + g(n-2)\]
for any integer $n \ge 3$. Since $g(1)$ and $g(2)$ are already known to be the first two consecutive Fibonacci numbers, the rest then follows.
Here are some references to Fibonacci numbers that point out some further aspects of the Fibonacci numbers.
The Wolfram reference lists several contexts where the Fibonacci numbers arise in a natural yet unexpected manner.