Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A sample LaTeX document - 2

I have uploaded another LaTeX generated document to Google Docs; here is its link: 

The document described the Arbelos Theorem of Archimedes - a theorem dating from Greek times, but with a modern component, discovered less than half a century back.

The figure has been drawn using PSTricks, and the source file too is here for readers to look at:

Do check it out!

(Actually, I tried to upload a Java-enabled "live" figure, which the viewer can manipulate, but Google Docs refused to accept the upload. Or rather, I couldn't figure out a way of doing such an upload. Does anyone know how this can be done?)


  1. My original post had a small typo in the statement of the theorem, which I have now corrected (in the above two files). Thanks to Jagdish Madnani for noticing it and pointing it out to me.

  2. \begin{document}
